Swiffer Effect

Swiffer is spreading the #SwifferEffect with the Big Green Box! 

I've been a Swiffer user for years and since my new home has stained concrete floors, I feel like my Swiffer is part of my weekly and sometimes daily routine. Especially with pets in the house! Most of you know that my sweet Duke went to heaven a few months ago. He shed like crazy! And my recent foster baby sheds too. Swiffer helps me not go to completely crazy with the pet hair that seems to be everywhere. And when I found out that Swiffer has partnered with the ASPCA, my support of them was pretty much a done deal.

Did you know....

  • Swiffer Sweeper picks up 3x more pet hair, dirt, and dander than a brrom and dustpan 
  • 38% of pet owners say the leading source of pet "cleaning tensions" in their home are hair dust bunnies and/or shedding challenges
  • 50% of Americans say that concerns about pet hair in their home is one of the top reasons why they are worried about getting a pet, wouldn't get a pet, or don't have one.

I was so surprised by these statistics! I've been lucky enough to not only experience the Swiffer Effect myself, but to spread the love to friends too. Swiffer gave me a big green box and gave me one to share. I knew immediately who I would share it with. Chezlea and her 8 month old pit bull, Sosa, were the perfect fit! I knew Chezlea loves a clean house and would appreciate the ease of Swiffer.

Barnaby and I went over for a playdate and surprised them with the big green box! Chezlea said she felt like it was Christmas and she immediately started swiffing. The pups stared at her like a crazy woman but hey, can you blame her? No more furry floors for us!

swifter green box

swiffer effect

swiffer pet effect

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.


  1. I love Swiffer! It made the floors look great. When I was done the whole kitchen smelled so fresh and clean! Not only did it come with the mop but also the duster. Yesterday my kids dusted the whole house!
    Thanks to Swiffer's big green box and my sweet friend Jessica, my house looks fantastic!

  2. I love Swiffer, but we have SO MUCH floor in our new house, that I'm having a hard time keeping it clean!

  3. I would love to receive the Green Box from Swiffer.. pet hair overwhelms my sinuses some days.. my Swiffer duster works wonders and I would love to test the floor products!


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